enquiries@attainabletrust.org.nz | 09 278 1678
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Scott Hansen

December 21, 2018

Thank you to all the wonderful staff at Attainable.  You have made this year so special for my brothers.  I am truly grateful.  For Scott especially, he loves his Monday workday in the factory and it has brought new friends and real meaning to his life.


Hiki Papa

November 8, 2018

I enjoy swimming activity and Maori language teaching. I learn things here and I like to help everyone.

Maui Davis

I like the people here: Gemma, Sheenal, Mark, John.

Annemarie Hannan

If I didn’t work I would get bored staying at home. Attainable gives me a place to go. If I stay home I will eat and get fat.

Kimberly Jameson

I like working at attainable because I enjoy doing different jobs. I like the people here and many of them are my friends.