enquiries@attainabletrust.org.nz | 09 278 1678

ReconcilABLE: Bequests and Wills

A bequest is any gift or donation made in your Will. By leaving a bequest in your Will to Attainable Trust you’re creating a wonderful legacy that will make a huge difference by helping us to help people with disabilities.


Your generosity will provide funding for numerous community programs and activities that are not normally available to people less fortunate than most. Rest assured that all funds we receive are used as intended – to improve societal attitudes towards disabilities and make life better for people with disabilities, allowing a meaningful life lived with dignity.

You first need a Will to make a bequest. A Will ensures that after death, your wishes are protected and implemented as you desired. You can of course review and update your Will at any time. If you are unsure of how to go about making a Bequest or a Will please contact your legal advisor. Otherwise feel free to call Murray Clark at Attainable Trust on 09 279 2610 or email him here. He’d be pleased to answer any questions and steer you in the right direction.

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Options for including a Bequest in your Will

If you don’t have a Will, your Estate will be distributed according to government regulations. This can be costly, and can cause unnecessary issues and anxiety for your loved ones. Creating a Will is a simple, uncomplicated process that we all need to do in our lifetimes.


Here are some options for including a Bequest in your Will:
• Leaving a percentage of your Estate to Attainable Trust ensures that your gift will not be affected by fluctuations in the size of your Estate
• Include a residuary clause in your Will in order to dispose of any assets not otherwise mentioned, or leave a percentage of that residue
• Note a specific sum of money you wish to donate
• Make a provision so that if any named beneficiary cannot accept their Bequest it will go to Attainable Trust instead
• Create a Perpetual Trust to provide ongoing financial support
• Your Life Insurance – all or part of your insurance policy can be gifted.

If you are considering leaving a Bequest to Attainable Trust and would like to know more about our work, we encourage you to make contact with us and we will be more than happy to show you our operation and discuss with you how we might invest your kind hearted gift and plan for the future.

We thank you sincerely for your foresight, commitment and extraordinary generosity to leave a Bequest to Attainable Trust.


With your help today we will continue building for tomorrow.

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Hiki Papa

I enjoy swimming activity and Maori language teaching. I learn things here and I like to help everyone.

Hiki Papa
CP Service User

Maui Davis

I like the people here: Gemma, Sheenal, Mark, John.

Maui Davis
CP Service User

Annemarie Hannan

If I didn’t work I would get bored staying at home. Attainable gives me a place to go. If I stay home I will eat and get fat.

Annemarie Hannan
Factory Employee

Kimberly Jameson

I like working at attainable because I enjoy doing different jobs. I like the people here and many of them are my friends.

Kimberly Jameson
Factory Employee

Scott Hansen

Thank you to all the wonderful staff at Attainable.  You have made this year so special for my brothers.  I am truly grateful.  For Scott especially, he loves his Monday workday in the factory and it has brought new friends and real meaning to his life.


Family Member

Can’t find what you’re after? Leave us a note or call Murray on 09 279 2610.