enquiries@attainabletrust.org.nz | 09 278 1678
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Do you drink coffee

August 27, 2022


Then visit mightykind.kiwi for all your coffee requirements.  This award winning coffee is available at very competitive prices, cheaper than comparable brands at supermarkets.  You can either have it delivered to your home or business (minimum $ spend applies) or click and collect from our new premises at 5 Smales Road, East Tamaki.


New Premises

August 26, 2022



Exciting news.

It is with great pleasure to advise you that we have relocated to an upgraded facility. The new location is at 5 Smales Road, East Tamaki, Auckland. The new location offers the same services as the current building.

Please contact Steve Drury (09 216 7366) if you have any questions. 

One of many activities we love doing at Attainable



Exciting news.

With the support of many of our customers we are pleased to announce that we have opened a shop called Mighty Kind.  On this website we have a number of extremely high quality everyday products, at competitive prices, which you will be able to purchase.  Please support this website http://mightykind.kiwi and by doing so you will know you are supporting people with disabilities by providing them with employment opportunities.

Please contact Steve Drury (09 216 7366) if you have any questions.